Monday, February 12, 2018

Sharing my thoughts with another blogger.

Sharing my thoughts with another blogger.

I enjoyed your article very much. I have my own writing blog and really enjoy writing. 

On my blog, most people don’t leave comments. I advertise on all the major social media. It’s discouraging, as I do put a lot of effort into my writing. I guess people are just not responsive, there again, maybe they don’t like what I write about.

I write some poetry, articles and as a lyricist, songs that I write. Most of my writing is of a personal nature, real-life writing. 

I’ve been writing for many years now always hoping for that breakthrough.

Writing for me is a compulsion, I wake up in the middle of the night and write thoughts that come into my head, mostly lyrics for my songs. If I’m out driving, I pull over and write down thoughts about something that I just saw as I was driving by. 

Writing is a part of me, I can’t stop writing. 

Right now I’m in the middle of writing an article for my blog, I’m at 11,000 words already and not close to finishing. It’s related to events in my life within the Christian church. 

It won't make too many of my Christian friends happy, ah well! It's what's in my heart that counts. Plus, the stories are true.

It's called, "Pissed off with Christianity".

I decided recently not to make it an article on my blog, instead, I’ll write a short non-fiction novel.

I’ve written a novel before plus my autobiography, so I think this is the way I’ll go.

Maybe one-day things will look brighter.

Written by Chris Turner
February 12, 2018